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Tuesday, January 22, 2019
Where to Find Gluten-Free Fun in 2019
I'm still here... sort of.

While I am not blogging at Gluten-Free Fun, I am still very active on social media and on my website Gluten-Free Globetrotter.

Here are all of my links!

Gluten-Free Fun on Facebook
Gluten-Free Fun on Twitter

Gluten-Free Globetrotter website
Gluten-Free Globetrotter on Facebook
Gluten-Free Globetrotter on Twitter
Gluten-Free Globetrotter on Instagram

If you are looking to reach out to me for my consulting and social media services, you can always reach me through my website.

Thank you for all of you checking in on me.


Tuesday, September 18, 2018
Gluten-Free Fun (Permanent?) Hiatus

As you may have noticed, I haven't blogged in close to two months. It's not that I don't have anything to say, that's quite the opposite. It is that I have so much to say but have become completely disenchanted with the celiac community... almost to the point where I want to quit entirely.

I am a person that prides myself on honesty, integrity, and outspokenness. I have never shied away from controversial topics in the celiac community. For those of you reading this blog from the beginning, you know I dig deep and speak up when others will not. I give my opinions, but I always try to back up what I say with facts. It seems that facts these days don't really matter in the celiac world anymore. People are believing what they want to believe and are attacking those of us that are trying to help others navigate a gluten-free, celiac lifestyle with these facts. I am now relying on screenshots of posts, tweets, and direct messages to back me up. Yes, it has come to that point.

In addition, too many people are driven by the almighty dollar and not the health and well-being of 1% of the United States population living with celiac disease. These people are not only spreading falsehoods but they are also promoting brands that are NOT safe for those of us with celiac disease. From celiac centers to gluten-free magazines to online forums, the dollar is driving the information and not the ethics of representing a community living with an autoimmune disease. It's really very sad.

Being personally targeted online by a doctor, a dietitian, a magazine editor, gluten-free lifestyle bloggers, a celiac forum, and countless other supporters of these popular people is just more than one person can handle. These people are hiding behind online personas and rejecting invitations to talk about this face-to-face or via telephone. Trust me, I have tried and I am giving up. There are only so many unanswered emails a person can send without being completely exhausted over trying. I am also a person with feelings so bullying me online affects me personally. How can it not? It's sad but all I know is there is only so much on person can take and stepping back is something I need to do for me.

The gluten-free blogging world was much different back in 2007 when I started Gluten-Free Fun. There was no social media, there were no ads, people weren't competing to make their blog a source of revenue. We simply wrote to share our stories and experiences of living with celiac disease. While there are some people today that are still striving to do the same, authenticity among gluten-free bloggers and social media personas is a disappearing characteristic. I praise those who are still being their authentic selves, trying to make this celiac community better.

I have been trying to be that person from the second I launched this blog in 2007 but sometimes, you need to know when to walk away. I think now is that time for me. Maybe I will come back to blogging, maybe I won't. In the meantime, here is where you can find me since I don't think I could ever go entirely silent.

Monday, July 23, 2018
Giveaway! Gluten-Free Food Allergy Fest in Brooklyn
I am giving away 2 tickets to this weekend's Gluten-Free Food Allergy Fest at the Brooklyn Expo Center. I am speaking both days and can't wait to see you all. Enter below. Contest ends on Thursday at 11:59pm.

WHEN: July 28-29, 2018
Saturday: 10am to 4pm
Sunday: 10am to 3pm

Brooklyn Expo Center
72 Noble Street
Brooklyn, NY 11222

Use code ERIN2018 for 15% off online sales.
Topic: Dining and Traveling in NYC and Beyond
Speaker: Erin Smith
Location: Lecture Stage
Saturday, 2pm
“Dining out in New York City or planning a vacation and eating far from home can be a daunting experience. During this session, Erin Smith, native New Yorker and founder of Gluten-Free Globetrotter™, will share how to “eat gluten-free around the world” without ever leaving New York City and how to plan a celiac vacation. She’ll also be answering your top gluten-free questions for both domestic and overseas travel.”
Topic: Dating with Dietary Restrictions
Speakers: Erin Smith and Sloane Miller
Location: Lecture Stage
Sunday, 1pm
“Dating can be fun while still being allergen-free and gluten-free. Allergic Girl, Sloane Miller and Gluten-Free Globetrotter, Erin Smith will tell you how! We will be talking about the emotional and practical challenges of dating with severe life-threatening food allergies and celiac disease from the viewpoints of a single woman and a newlywed.”
Use code ERIN2018 for 15% off online sales.


Saturday, July 7, 2018
Cross Country Celiac Take 2
Hello everyone! Today is the official start of my second cross-country road trip. This time I am driving from California to New York City. If you follow me on social media, you might know I am moving back home after living in California for the past two and a half years. To say I am excited is an understatement.

I hope you follow my drive from west to east on all of my social media channels. I will be using #crosscountryceliac for you to easily follow along. I will be posting all of my pictures on my Instagram and Instastories over at @glutenfreeglobetrotter. Head over and like my page and then follow me as I eat my way across the country. Not on Instagram? I am also posting on my Twitter account as well as my Facebook page!t

Thursday, May 24, 2018
Healthline: Favorite Healthy Finds with Gluten-Free Fun
I got to share my favorite gluten-free travel snacks and hacks with Healthline! I picked some of my top gluten-free brands and my must-haves for travel. If you follow Gluten-Free Globetrotter, you will know I just got back from Singapore. I had Bubba's Fine Foods and Krave Jerky and a million other snacks in my carry-on for my 19+ hours of flying. Read on for more details about how and what I pack when I travel

Our Favorite Healthy Finds: Gluten-Free Fun
Traveling with a food allergy can be a tricky puzzle to solve, especially if you have Celiac disease. Gluten is in seemingly everything, and more so when you’re on vacation or looking for a quick bite to eat. But take it from Erin Smith, blogger behind the gluten-free lifestyle website Gluten-Free Fun. You can still go on adventures and see the world without a drop of gluten getting in the way.
From snacks to hacks, Smith curated her favorite picks for gluten-free traveling. And it’s really a must-save for any gluten-free traveler. Read on for more food-friendly ways to turn your fun times, whether it’s a picnic in the park or a camping trip by the lake, into stress-free, treat-filled getaways.

Click here to read the whole article on Healthline!  

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Tuesday, May 22, 2018
Families Needed for Study on "Ripple Effect" of a Gluten Free Diet on Members in Household
Researchers at the Celiac Disease Center at Columbia University and Teachers College are conducting research on how families navigate celiac disease and the gluten free diet in their household. We are inviting you to participate because you may have a child that is a patient affiliated with the Celiac Disease Center at Columbia University.  

Participation includes a 1-2 hour interview with multiple family members and 3 brief surveys about your experience with celiac disease. 

To be eligible to participate:  
• The family has a child (8 - 18 years old) with physician-diagnosed celiac disease living at home and it has been at least one year since diagnosis.  
• The child with celiac disease follows a gluten free diet. 
• Family members are comfortable speaking in English 
• Family members including children are willing to be interviewed to discuss their experience with celiac disease and following a gluten free diet. Interviews will occur separately. 
 The parents of the child with celiac disease do not have celiac disease themselves. This study is only for those with a child (or multiple children) with celiac disease. 

Participants will receive $50 per family. If interested, please contact Carrie Russo at 201-292-4583 or email  

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Monday, May 7, 2018
How to be a CeliACTIVIST

May is Celiac Awareness Month and I am celebrating by showing how everyone and anyone can become a celiACTIVIST! ⠀

Celiac disease is serious and affects an estimated 3 million Americans, but many people still don’t know about it. Now is a chance to educate and enlist the support of our family and friends in ways that fit your lifestyle.⠀

One out of every 133 Americans has celiac disease, equivalent to nearly 1% of the U.S. population. Unfortunately, 83% of the 3 million Americans living with celiac disease remain undiagnosed or misdiagnosed. Celiac disease is a genetic disorder, meaning that it passes from parent to child via DNA. In some cases, stressful events such as pregnancy, surgery, infection, or severe emotional distress can trigger the onset of the disease.⠀

With a wide variety of symptoms associated with celiac disease, gaining an accurate diagnosis can be difficult. To determine if a patient has celiac disease, a physician can screen by using a simple antibody blood test, sometimes combined with a genetic test. If a celiac diagnosis is still suspected, the doctor will likely perform a small intestinal biopsy for confirmation.⠀

Learn more at

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Tuesday, May 1, 2018
Happy Celiac Awareness Month 2018

It is Celiac Awareness Month. Now is your time to celebrate! 

No pity parties here! Now go eat some gluten-free cake.


Friday, April 27, 2018
NYU Celiac Disease and Gluten-Related Disorders Program 3rd Annual Family Day

The 3rd Annual Family Education Day hosted by the Hassenfeld Children's Hospital at NYU Langone is headed to the Natural Gourmet Institute on May 6th. I had the pleasure of speaking at their 1st annual event a few years ago. This is a fun, hands-on gluten-free day for families with celiac disease. Adults are welcome but they must be accompanied by a child between the ages of 7 and 13.

For more information ant to RSVP, please contact Kenza Hill at

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Friday, April 20, 2018
Podcast: How to Plan a Gluten-Free Wedding
Me with my handsome groom!

I cannot believe that tomorrow has been exactly one year since my wedding. Time flies when you're married, I guess! Just in time for my anniversary, I recorded a podcast with my friends Mike and Cam over at The Celiac Project. I share my top tips for planning a gluten-free event including what to ask, how to alleviate fears, and most importantly, how to enjoy your big day.

Take a listen!

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Monday, April 16, 2018
10 Surprising Gluten-Containing Foods
Gluten can lurk in many places. Reading labels is a part of life when you have celiac disease or a gluten intolerance. This infographic from Delicious Living is a good reminder about where to look for hidden gluten.

Monday, April 9, 2018
Gluten-Free Fun at 40!
Today is my birthday. I honestly cannot believe I am entering a new decade. I've been writing this blog more than 25% of my entire life!!! I was hoping to finalize my redesign by now (yes, I know, it's dated) but life is busy and the blogs never take priority. Plus, I am really putting my efforts into Gluten-Free Globetrotter these days. Yes, I write TWO blogs. Make sure to give a look if you haven't seen it before! 

As you may have noticed, the blogging has slowed down a bit but the social media is busier than ever. Make sure to follow Gluten-Free Fun on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. Join me there. In the meantime, I am going to dig into this gluten-free cake from my husband! 

Monday, March 12, 2018
Upcoming Celiac Disease Events March-May 2018

Check out this gluten-free and celiac-related events coming soon to a city near you this spring.  The calendar is very busy this year! Which events are you planning on going to?


Schaumburg Gluten Free & Allergen Friendly Expo
Saturday, April 7 and Sunday April 8, 2018
10am-4pm CDT
Schaumburg, Illinois
Tickets start at $5
Use code ADVANCE for 20% off through April 6th

Spring Flours™ Gluten-Free Gala 
Benefiting The University of Chicago Celiac Disease Center
Friday, April 20, 2018
6:00 PM - 9:00 PM CDT
Chicago, Illinois
Tickets start at $250

Gluten-Free Connecticut Spring 2018 Expo
Sunday, April 22, 2018
11am-4pm EDT
Wallingford, Connecticut
Tickets $5-20

Denver Gluten Free & Allergen Friendly Expo
Saturday, April 21 and Sunday, April 22, 2018
10am-4pm MDT
Denver, Colorado
Tickets start at $5
Use code EARLYBIRD for 30% off through March 20
Use code ADVANCE for 20% off through April 20

Gluten-Free Food Allergy Fest
Saturday, April 28 and Sunday, April 29, 2018
10am-4pm EDT
Columbus, Ohio
Tickets start at $15 for adults
Use code Erin2018 for a 15% discount


Saturday, May 5 and Sunday, May 6, 2018
10am-4pm PDT
Pasadena, California
Expo tickets start at $10 for kids, Conference (includes expo) are $40

Sat May 12, 2018
8:00 PM - 11:00 PM CDT
Cabot, Arkansas

Greater Philly Gluten-Free Expo
Saturday, May 19, 2018
10:30-4:30 EDT
Oaks, Pennsylvania
Tickets start at $10 (on sale March 15th)

Gluten-Free Food Allergy Fest
Saturday, May 19 and Sunday, May 20, 2018
10am-4pm CDT
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Tickets start at $15 for adults
Use code Erin2018 for a 15% discount

Atlanta Gluten Free & Allergen Friendly Expo
Saturday, May 19 and Sunday, May 20, 2018
10am-3pm EDT
Atlanta, Georgia
Tickets start at $5
Use code EARLYBIRD for 30% off through April 18th
Use code ADVANCE for 20% off through May 18th

First Annual "Going Against the Grain" Gala
Sunday, May 20, 2018
7:00 PM – 11:00 PM EDT
Upper Marlboro, Maryland
Tickets start at $40

Mid-Hudson Walk for Celiac Disease
Sunday, May 20, 2018
7:00 PM – 11:00 PM EDT
Poughkeepsie, New York
Registration: $20

Gluten-Free Garage
Sunday May 27, 2018
10:30 am to 4:30 pm EDT
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
$10 for people 12 and older

Do you have an upcoming event? Please email me and I will add it to this calendar!

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Monday, March 5, 2018
Gluten-Filled Dreams and Nightmares

The other night, I woke up startled. It was after a night full of (dream) eating gluten. 

In my dream, I was walking down the street eating a regular baguette. I was chewing it, sucking on the bread, spitting it out, and then rinsing my mouth. The person I was with (can't remember who was walking next to me) kept asking me if I was supposed to be eating that bread. I said no and I knew it was full of gluten but that I couldn't stop eating it. In my dream, the bread tasted SO. DAMN. GOOD. It was warm, it was chewy, it was bready, and it was full of gluten. I knew it was bad for me yet I couldn't stop eating. I knew rinsing my mouth out would do nothing and that I would probably be sick in minutes, but I couldn't stop eating. I could almost smell the bread when I woke up, it was that good. Lucky for me, it was just a dream and I didn't get sick. Unlucky for me, it was just a dream and I didn't eat a real baguette.

I've read about these gluten dreams in the past, but I never experienced one myself. I think that comes from going gluten-free at the age of 2 1/2 years old. I really don't remember life before going gluten-free. My celiac family members were diagnosed as adults as were many of my celiac friends. They know life with gluten, I do not. This dream caught me off guard and made me wonder how often people with celiac disease dream about eating gluten so I took my question to Twitter. The response was OVERWHELMING to say the least.

You all dream about eating gluten A LOT! 















It is so crazy to me how our celiac brains work. We know gluten is bad for us, yet we dream about eating it. Some people enjoy the moment while others panic about eating gluten and wake up sweating.  Have you ever had a dream about eating gluten? If so, what happened? Leave a comment below! 

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Monday, February 26, 2018
Celiac Disease Center's International Symposium Coming to NYC
The Celiac Disease Center at Columbia University is hosting an international symposium in New York City on March 2-3, 2018. The theme of this year's symposium is "Celiac Disease, now and the future."

There are two tracks for this two-day event: a clinical track for patients and healthcare professionals and a track specifically for physicians and scientists. The topics vary widely from quality of life with celiac disease, new therapies on the horizon, immunopathology, pediatric celiac disease, and so much more. This is sure to be an informative weekend with some of the top celiac doctors from around the world.

Register for the Clinical Forum here.
This track is for patients, dietitians, nurses, and other healthcare professionals

Register for the International Symposium here.
This track is for physicians, scientists, and industry leaders.

Here is a list of the scheduled speakers:

Armin Alaedini, PhD Columbia University Medical Center USA 
Robert P. Anderson, BMedSc, MBChB, PhD ImmusanT, Inc., USA 
Julio C. Bai, MD Hospital de Gastroenterología 
Dr. Carlos Bonorino Udaondo, Argentina 
Cynthia Beckman Columbia University Medical Center, USA 
Govind Bhagat, MD Columbia University Medical Center, USA 
Carolina Ciacci, MD Universita Federico II, Italy 
Edward J. Ciaccio, PhD Columbia University Medical Center, USA 
Richard B. Colletti, MD University of Vermont, USA 
Amy R. DeFelice, MD Columbia University Medical Center, USA 
Luca Elli Universita degli Studi di Milano, Italy 
Paul Frohna, MD, PhD Bioniz Therapeutics, Inc, USA
Daniel Getts, MBA, PhD Cour Pharmaceutical Development Co., USA 
Peter Gibson, MD Monash University, Australia 
Thomas A. Grace Bia Diagnotics, LLC, USA 
Peter H.R. Green, MD Columbia University Medical Center, USA 
Claes Hallert, MD, PhD Linköpings Universitet, Sweden 
Arnold S. Han, MD Columbia University Medical Center, USA 
Bana Jabri, MD, PhD University of Chicago, USA 
Tim Johnson, PhD UCB Biopharma Sprl, Belgium 
Chaitan Khosla, PhD Stanford University, USA 
Frits Köning, PhD Leiden University Medical Center, The Netherlands 
Suneeta Krishnareddy, MD Columbia University Medical Center, USA 
Kalle Kurppa, MD University of Tampere, Finland 
Benjamin Lebwohl, MD, MS Columbia University Medical Center, USA 
Anne Lee, EdD, RDN, LD Columbia University Medical Center, USA 
Daniel A. Leffler, MD, MS Takeda, USA 
Francisco Leon, MD, PhD Celimmune, LLC, USA 
Joseph Levy, MD New York University, USA 
Suzanne K. Lewis, MD Columbia University Medical Center, USA 
Jonas F. Ludvigsson, MD, PhD Karolinska Institutet, Sweden 
Knut E.A. Lundin, MD, PhD University of Oslo, Norway 
Govind Makharia, MD All India Institute of Medical Sciences 
Markku Maki, MD, PhD University of Tampere, Finland 
Maria Teresa Minaya Columbia University Medical Center, USA 
Milka Monegro Columbia University Medical Center, USA 
Chris J.J. Mulder, MD, PhD VU University Medical Center, The Netherlands 
Joseph A. Murray, MD Mayo Clinic, USA 
Norelle Rizkalla Reilly, MD Columbia University Medical Center, USA 
Maria Ines Pinto Sanchez, MD McMaster University, Canada 
Carol Semrad, MD University of Chicago, USA 
Jocelyn Silvester, MD Harvard University, USA 
Ludvig M. Sollid, MD, PhD Oslo University Hospital, Norway 
Jack A. Syage, PhD Immunogenx, LLC, USA 
Juli A. Tomaino, MD United States Food and Drug Administration, USA 
Melanie Uhde, PhD Columbia University Medical Center, USA 
Elena Verdú, MD, PhD McMaster University, Canada 
Jennifer A. Sealey Voyksner, PhD Immunogenics, LLC, USA
Randi L. Wolf, MPH, PhD Columbia University Medical Center, USA 
Shireen Yates, MBA Nima Labs, Inc, USA

©2007-2018 Gluten-Free Fun